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30 mai 2012 3 30 /05 /mai /2012 09:52

adolpheSoy formador en las relaciones humanas y trabajo con varios empresas. Algunas tiempos, acompaño a personas en  psico-espiritual coaching. Encuentro a muchas personas y lo que he realizado es que  algunos piden consejo y lo que realmente están pidiendo son trucos mágicos. Así, la primera tarea consiste en barrer las ilusiones de cada uno.couleur-cerveau-653779

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29 mai 2012 2 29 /05 /mai /2012 11:01

100 5728876jailespoirl'aurée du joursuffrin roee 2

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23 mai 2012 3 23 /05 /mai /2012 21:42


What am i doing in Tunisia  

What am i doing in Tunisia ?people often ask me that question during meetings or dinners.

It's funny how people like to categorize and put others in boxes. I know i kind of appear a bit complex for certain people but i think that no matter what you do, you appear complicated for complicated people and simple for simple people.

So what am i doing in Tunisia?

 I am here to serve, i  teach  people MULTIPLE WAYS of becoming themselves, of becoming more present, aware and active in their lives through tai chi chuan, martial arts, meditation, sport, professional coaching and seminars in Human Relationships .

They are just arrows for me, everything cannot work with everyone. Most of the time just one of this tools or pretexts is enough to help to motivate people and play a huge impact in their life.

That why i am here for, i like to share, to influence people and to build and i think that now more than ever Tunisia needs positive people and constructive contributions.100 5319

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23 mai 2012 3 23 /05 /mai /2012 10:11

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23 mai 2012 3 23 /05 /mai /2012 08:34

4a55f7e7DSCF4263DSC06277SAM 1588StarNetwork Logo Detailcoeurloveimagesluc bendza!wang-lisha-et-moi374959 302455876444133 100000391697987 962184 590982960 nla-vague.jpgella.jpg
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23 mai 2012 3 23 /05 /mai /2012 08:31






250948 2014819367252 1146855203 2345420 1548055 a

267461 2156970720947 1146855203 2504864 7026382 nespoir 

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18 avril 2012 3 18 /04 /avril /2012 09:36


388663 2807307349214 1454604573 2947270 1727036671 nLes gens pensent que la meilleure façon de connaitre quelqu'un c'est de le laisser vous raconter une histoire. Mais c'est tout le contraire. La meilleure façon de connaitre quelqu'un c'est de lui raconter une histoire et de lire dans sa réaction sur quels détails il zoome particulièrement et quels parties ont le plus eu un sens pour lui, ou le plus captivé. Pourquoi? Parce que contrairement à ce qu'on nous a enseigné, aucun détail n'est particulier dans une histoire, objectivement parlant, une histoire est linéaire. Le cerveau et l'esprit humain sont comme un moule intègre les détails par rapport à leur propre architecture. Trouve l'architecture, et tu trouveras l'architecte!(AOB)tunnel100 5315

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29 mars 2012 4 29 /03 /mars /2012 08:25

And if it was possible…3d-screen-saver-of-alien-magical-matrix-represents-liquid-t

Sometimes, I do hear people wondering about my dedication for people. They say that sometime I just make too much. They often mess a really important point.  I do believe that everything  is connected in this world.Chapelet18-1 “The generosity you show to others ultimately comes back to you”.

























I know that it is hard, but i wish to see the world as one family; with people  helping each other without any sexual, racial or cultural discrimination. If each person tries  to change his life, the world would be better. Everything talks about that: religion, martial art, meditation. “Change your life and you will influence the world.”6534672-lg36031 1456653933465 1146855203 1297803 5566369 n

To make it possible, we need to born again, to change our habits, to respect the planet and the environment and now more than ever the sentence is true: “save the world, save yourself”.294332 276505125705875 100000391697987 883739 184144285 n

we all have responsibilities upon others and our environment  and we are better to not forget it; I have  responsibilities towards my family, I have responsibilities towards my community and my continent, I have responsibilities towards my society, but I also have  responsibilities towards my HISTORY.403828 2807318109483 1454604573 2947309 1961402675 nLA-GRAINE-DE-LA-FOI.jpg

Nowadays  drama  is that young people  want to live without any responsibility and just pretend that  they are free. I think that it is a big mistake. Take responsibilities means  show respect for the past and for the future.

Why do I act the way I act?100 5728

Because life teach me  that we can never except change from one government, federation or any organization, let’s the change start by ourselves. If you want to be able to bent the spoon, bent yourself first.there-is-no-spoonmatrexspone



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22 février 2012 3 22 /02 /février /2012 08:56




Cet homme parlait de choses que tout le monde connaissait, mais d’une façon que peu de gens pouvait faire.


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22 février 2012 3 22 /02 /février /2012 08:54

You can’t fool a telepath hummmmmmmmmm.jpg

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